Churches Plant Churches
In Matthew 16:18, Jesus says, “…On this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overpower it.” God’s plan for Gospel advance is through the local church—churches centered on the truth of God’s Word, on Christ, and on the Gospel, will endure. Therefore, we recognize that it is through the local church we can best participate in the Great Commission. This is the normal way God means for us to, “go”, “make disciples”, “baptize” and “teach.” The church is not fundamentally a human idea or human creation. It is God’s idea and God’s work. In one sense, God is the great church planter!
We are thankful that our sending church, Capitol Hill Baptist Church, is faithfully and generously committed to this work. We pray we will also work to raise up pastors and church planters, as well as partner with like-minded churches and networks for this task. Below are some of our dear partners.
Our Sending Church
Our Supporting Convention
Our Partners
9 Marks
We partner with 9Marks because of our shared convictions of the biblical principles of the local church and our commitment to building healthy churches
ACME Fellowship of churches
We partner with ACME Fellowship of Churches in order to unite and mobilize like-minded churches to fund pastors, church planters, missionaries, and other projects around the world.
Baptist convention of maryland/delware
We partner with BCMD because of our desire to support and cooperate with local Gospel-preaching churches
Send network
We partner with the SEND Network because of our commitment to plant healthy Baptist churches and multiplication.
Southern Baptist Convention
We partner with SBC because of our desire to cooperate for international missions and support our six seminaries